Why Us?

Fee Only

We are fee for service only – we receive no commissions, no referral fees, and no trailer fees. Our advice is not tainted by any commission bias. Because we are not selling any products on a commission basis, you can rest assured that our investment advice is objective and is based solely on what is most appropriate for you.

Portfolio Management fees are collected as a percentage of assets under management and fees for financial planning are based on our hourly rates. Investment counsel fees may be deductible for income tax purposes. We pride ourselves on offering comprehensive financial advice and our fees are very competitive. Our management fees are amongst the lowest offered by Vancouver-based portfolio management firms. Turnover in our portfolios is low, so trading costs do not erode returns.

Tailored to You

We help you to identify your short and long-term financial goals and we tailor our services to your needs. We assess your risk tolerance and then determine the right investment combination – stocks, bonds, and real estate investments – that will best achieve your goals given your unique circumstances.

At Pacific Spirit, we manage each client account separately, to be as unique as you are. We do not lump accounts together into a pooled fund, as no two clients are the same. After working with you to develop an investment policy that reflects your unique needs, we implement the policy by assembling a tailored investment portfolio. We monitor the portfolio and adjust it as market conditions and your personal circumstances change. We recognize that each of our clients is at a different stage in life and requires customized solutions.


We are independent and, therefore, able to serve you better. We have no products or recommendations imposed on us from a parent company or by others. We choose the best investment solutions for you. Equities, fixed income, mortgages, real estate, mortgage investment corporations or insurance products can be used to best achieve your goals.

Our portfolio managers are seasoned investors who dedicate long hours to research. At Pacific Spirit, we are not speculators or short-term traders. We help our clients to invest for the long-term in proven, successful companies. We are always fully aware that the investment portfolio that we manage represents your life savings. We never lose sight of the fact that the funds belong to you and investments are made on your behalf and for your benefit. You are kept fully aware of the activity in your account. You benefit from our experience as we choose the best investment solution for you.


We become the VP Finance for our client families. Through financial planning, we help our clients to develop a roadmap (a plan) for the future. Through sound portfolio management, we then implement the plan. We help our clients to stay the course in order to reach their financial goals. Your success is our success!

We are always available when you have questions or when you have problems for which you need solutions. Client service is our strong point.  We are fiduciaries – we always act in your best interest. Our goal is to meet our client’s needs and to be accessible, thorough and personal. The corner stone of our communication is our client review session. We meet with you on a regular basis or as frequently as you desire. We naturally go beyond what is expected from a financial firm. We are responsive – we listen, we care!

Tax Smart

At Pacific Spirit, we are tax smart. We hold respected designations including CPA, CA and CPA, CGA. We help our clients structure their investments to minimize taxes and to reduce tax complexity. We will introduce our clients to other professionals, as necessary, when other tax planning opportunities may be available (family trusts, estate planning, investment holding companies, etc.)

At Pacific Spirit, tax considerations are integrated with each decision. We also help clients to take advantage of special accounts such as TFSAs and RRSPs. We understand the tax issues of investing through corporations, trusts, and estates.  We take a holistic, big picture view of our clients, their lifestyles, financial needs and priorities in order to make right decisions about every aspect of their finances. Our fees may be tax deductible!